B and I are not making much progress on that to do list. Mostly because in the last week we've each gotten a brand new car! I got my new Verano last weekend and yesterday we got B into a Ford Focus hatchback. He currently drives a 2004 Dodge Durango, it gets awful gas mileage... with his drive to work he was putting in basically $100 a week. We needed something more fuel efficient, obviously, but also something that the dogs will fit in. That's where the hatchback came in. With the seats folded down we have a bunch of space for the dogs to stretch out. Eventually we'll probably upgrade to an SUV but since it is just B and I and the dogs we don't really need the extra room. We don't have the car yet, they had to have it delivered to the dealership, but we'll be able to pick it up tomorrow when B gets off work!

Small accomplishment though, I finally set up my Keurig! My parents got me one for Christmas and I had just never gotten around to setting it up. I am enjoying my first cup of coffee from it as I type. Love the convenience of it so far, the little K-cups are so simple to use without having to measure coffee grinds. And maybe this way I won't go overboard and drink a whole pot of coffee! Now that we have dishes (thank you Ikea!), the kitchen is really coming together. We still need new pots and pans, a knife block, and I'd like to replace our red toaster and white toaster oven with black versions, but we're nearly there!
My parents are coming over this afternoon to meet Lux! Can't wait for them to see her. My dad and Luna are already bffs, it is really cute to see how excited they both get to see each other.
Hopefully next time I'll have some actual progress to post! It's just way too tempting to spend the day by our pool instead of working on the house, but we'll get there.
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