Unfortunately we haven't managed to get anything done off of the to do list so far. We had a bit of a situation come up with the pool but now all is well.

A few weeks ago we noticed that our pool didn't seem to be registering that there were chemicals in in. We talked to our pool repair guy and he said it probably needed to be drained, since we didn't know when the previous home owners last drained it. Well, we put it off. About a week ago we got hit with a storm that did enough damage that our pool was getting a greenish film over it that we couldn't get rid of with any amount of scrubbing and filter running. Contacted a company to drain and acid wash the pool and we went from the photo at left to the sparkling pool at the right. We're going to hire a company to take care of the chemicals and keeping the water balanced so that we don't have to worry about it. Once we get rid of the tree that clogs the skimmer on a daily basis I think that'll be so much easier to do, but for now we'll let someone knowledgeable take care of it.

Also, we bought dishes! We'd been using my set from my first apartment. 4 plates and 4 bowls. With only 2 of us in the house we would run out of clean plates before we had a full load of dishes. Enter Ikea. We went with the Fargrik 18 piece dinnerware set. It is white stoneware with service for 6. We bought 2 sets and then 12 of the larger bowls all for about $90. One of the things I loved about this set is that it doesn't come with coffee mugs, none of the sets at Ikea do. They sell them individually so I may pick up a couple that match (they're only $0.99!) but B doesn't drink coffee so we really have no need for a full set of mugs. It was driving me crazy trying to find a set of dinnerware that didn't have mugs and had good reviews. These are microwave and dishwasher safe, cheap to replace should we need to, and white is such a basic color that I can just invest in some pretty chargers if we ever entertain and dress them up a bit.
Today is my only day off for the week so I'm going to go enjoy it!
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