If she wasn't such a sweetheart it would be annoying, definitely not what we thought we'd be getting with a labradoodle but it is what it is. But since I don't want to paint her hair onto the wall, because it will inevitably end up everywhere, we're painting and then moving.
After a lot of research, I think I have every paint chip ever in our bedroom right now, we (I) finally found our wall color for the main living spaces! It is called Repose Gray from Sherwin Williams, it is a nice somewhat cool gray. I thought I wanted pretty beige walls but we're loving the grays right now.
I cannot believe how many shades of gray there are! We also considered Revere Pewter from Benjamin Moore, it is a really pretty color but is a little warmer than what we wanted. I'm picturing soft dove gray walls with a really stark white trim and dark wood furniture.
Painting is exhausting. I loved the vaulted ceilings in the living room/ dining room area when we bought the house but after a day of painting, and knowing we have more in our master bedroom whenever we get there, I'm much less in love. I'm not necessarily afraid of heights, but balancing on top of a ladder painting trim is not high on my list of favorite things to do. We didn't make it nearly as far as we wanted to, but B and I were to tired to do more and had to get back to puppylove and get her dinner.

Not the most attractive picture of me but it is how I spent pretty much the entire day. The wall to the right of me peaks a bit higher than this wall. Even up on the next step of the ladder I had to stretch to reach, my sides are already hurting. Hopefully this process gets easier as we go along. I do love the wall color though!
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