I think this picture does a good job of showing the trim before and after. Our new bright white is along the horizontal trim and the creamy, kinda dirty looking white up all around the door still. It was dark out by the time we got around to painting trim so we decided that removing our front door from the hinges probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. For now we're dealing with the mismatch and have a new project on our to do list. Hopefully removing, and more importantly reinstalling, the front door won't be too hard. I would love to paint it when we take it down, but B and I haven't come to any sort of consensus on a color. It just seems so unnecessary to do the same thing twice.... we'll see how this one plays out I guess.

I love how much more crisp the gray looks with the super stark white. We have been using satin finish for the walls because B liked it more than eggshell but went with a high gloss for the trim. As white as it is I want it to be easy to scrub clean if it gets scuffed or otherwise dirtied. We're still trying to figure out the door situation. My original thought was to match the doors to the white of the trim but as I sit here I am dreading the amount of cleaning that will lead to.
Pinterest may have inspired me to take a different direction with the doors, particularly this image from Moore Designs:
The post has information about painting doors and vanities so check it out if you're at all intrigued. I love the side by side comparison. Fortunately we were already planning to paint the doors, builder white just looks dirty next to our beautiful white trim, so I'm not TOO worried to tell B about this new huge project.
Next on our list: buy a washer and dryer, buy a refrigerator, paint the master bedroom.