Having a whole shelf just for my purses! I also have a box on the shelf just below where all of my tops are hanging for my wallets and clutches. I'll probably look for a cute basket to swap out for the black Ikea drawer organizer that I'm currently using for that.

I moved an Ikea Billy bookcase from the living room to the closet to store my shoes. And then the hanging organizer has my flip flops, work shoes and running shoes. Below my dresses are my winter boots, which really only get used for a few months of the year since it isn't very cold here. No snow boots (thank you Arizona), just some comfy pull on boots to wear with skinny jeans and sweaters.
B has a similar shelf above his side of the closet, we're using that for storage right now. I need to buy a few more of the storage boxes that I'm using but I'll post the finished product once everything is set. It is a little sad that the closet is the only room totally finished but I smile every time I walk in, so I think that's ok.